Daily update 6-16-10

17 Jun

My fellow Seekers,

Todays update is about the need for organizers. There are cities and countries that aren’t represented in the Seeker rally movement. A passionate fans everywhere are being called upon to put together rallies where they are needed.

Here’s where they are needed:

1. Australia – we have no rallies in the works there and I know there are a lot of australian fans of Legend of the Seeker.

2. London, U.K. Our organizer has had to back out due to work obligations, please step up and take the lead. God save Legend of the Seeker!

3. Toronto, Canada is another place that there are a lot of Seekers, Confessors, Wizards, and Mord’Sith. Please take up the sword and seek out your fellow seekers.

4. Dallas, TX The lone star state isn’t alone in it’s love for Legend of the Seeker, let’s show that in a big way.

5. NYC, the big apple is big in supply of Legend of the Seeker fans, Show the world how much NYC loves Legend of the Seeker.

And any other city that can show their love for Legend of the Seeker and help show the network execs that Legend of the Seeker should remain on the air for it’s third season and beyond.

Please sign up Here to come forward and organize a rally. Come and sign up to attend one of the rallies as well.

Thank you,


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